imagine a world where:
a woman can dance naked in the streets wearing only flowers in her hair, without an ounce of concern some sick fuck might mistake her body as an object existing for the sake of his own pleasure.
a woman unconditionally expresses her wild, feminine essence without reserve.
a woman feels safe in her skin at all times.
a woman speaks the truth and teaches her children to do the same.
a woman never has to cover her skin for fear of sending men the wrong message.
a woman loves her body enough to revel in her sensuality without shame.
a woman gives herself permission to walk, dress, speak, dance, love, create, express and live exactly as her heart and soul please.
a woman nurtures every ounce of passion residing in her bones.
a woman stands in her power without apologizing for who she is.
the human body is viewed as a sacred phenomenon rather than a contaminated commodity.
it is time we all start having real conversations about real issues and create a world where women are SAFE at all times. society has taught women it is our fault if a man acts inappropriately and that we are too sexual/expressive/flirtatious for simply existing. we have been instructed to tone down our womanly nature and conceal our bodies to prevent lust/harassment/assault executed by men, when in truth, a man should single-handedly be held accountable for his actions. only an indecent mind perceives the human body as an indecent object. contrary to illiterate assumptions, women are not designed to appease a man’s cravings, fulfill his fantasies, serve his vulgar requests or eradicate his insecurities. we have grown tired of the archaic beliefs that a woman should fit a suffocating, demure mold that drowns the human spirit. we are ready to celebrate the totality of a woman – mind/body/heart/soul – so we can reach new levels of awareness and evolve as a species.