interior landscape

Medicine Woman
by Zella Sage
by Zella Sage
being free is really about being yourself without apology or explanation. if you dare to look like an outlandish & unmanageable misfit, you will know freedom.
nobody ever reached soul satisfaction by following the crowd & doing what everyone else is doing. the happiest, most loving people i know are the bold warriors who risked it all to break free from society’s shallow standards & honor their soul’s calling. the outcasts are the bravest people on this planet.
the freedom to be yourself requires courage. our codependent (cult)ure demands you obey manmade rules designed to control your thoughts & actions. it programs you to believe your survival depends on your willingness to conform. it leads you to believe someone else knows better than you. it brainwashes you to believe you need another adult telling you what to do because you are incapable of making wise decisions on your own. it teaches you that everyone else’s needs are more important than yours. a codependent culture’s stamina relies heavily on your insecurities & subservience.
next time you find yourself dismissing your intuition in the name of “love” or virtue or any other misleading label they have attached to conformity, stand in your truth & take your power back. your needs matter as much as anyone else’s.
you are strong.
you are wise.
you are worthy.
i love you.